Archive: Oct 2013
  1. Inspired, A Very Special Project | Adriana Varela Photography

    Adriana of Adriana Varela Photography is honestly one of my biggest photography crushes. She really marries whimsy into her style of photography so very beautifully, but even more so she does it with her little men especially and I just can’t say enough about how much I adore that. Being a mom of both boys and girls I can tell you personally, it is so much easier to style girls. To capture her sons in the way she does, and to really see the love behind that lens is incredible. She really has such a magical quality to her imagery and I am just smitten with her work! Even more so she makes it seem so effortless. There is a marriage between reality and an almost dream state in her body of work and it speaks to the very core of her followers. She is a true class act and a talented one to boot.

    You can find her on Facebook HERE and her Flickr HERE. You can also find her on Pinterest HERE.

    Hello There, Adriana!

    Three sentences to describe yourself?

    I wish I could describe Superwoman and call it good but I’m far from it. I am the small town girl who grew up as a tomboy and doesn’t know the difference between a Coach purse vs. Vera Lang. I am strong and flawed, serious and compassionate, adventurous and goofy and learning to live one day at a time.

    Adriana was kind enough to share one of her earlier images circa 2009.

    What sparked my passion for photography?

    My boys. I have always enjoyed taking photos even as a teen but soon after my oldest son was born I was hooked.


    What’s in my camera bag:

    Nikon D700, Nikkor 50mm 1.4 G lens, Nikkor 70mm-200mm 2.8 G lens, Nikkor 60mm 2.8 Micro G lens.

    What camera equipment did I start out with?

    I started out with a 35mm Minolta Maxxum 7000 SLR which I used until I entered the digital age in 2006. My first digital DSLR was a Nikon D40.


    If I could use only one lens for an entire session I would choose….

    My Nikon 50mm. It’s the one that I keep on my camera body 90% of the time. It’s the lens I know the best, my fastest and most reliable. She never lets me down


    My advice to someone just starting out in photography would be…

    To go out and shoot in manual mode and shoot everyday until you understand exposure. Also, for Photoshop help, YOUTUBE! There are so many awesome photographers out there who take the time to upload lots of helpful tips.


    My first photography crush was:

    Sarah Wolfe with Sarah Wolfe Photography. I remember gasping when I saw one of her images. I still have that photo in my Flickr Favorites. Later I would gather the courage to write her and she would become somewhat of a mentor to me.


    What kind of photos do I enjoy taking just for me?

    I love to capture the un-posed wild and free child. I live in a very rural community and therefore clients are few and far between. I found that stock photography fits me just fine. Don’t get me wrong I love child photography and would love to specialize in it one day but for now I am happy documenting my boys lives. I love seeing their day-to-day photos being used in articles around the world. It is really rewarding to me.


    If I could choose someone to photograph dead or alive I would choose to photograph…

    Myself. Before you think I’m vain let me explain. I wish I could go back in time and document my life. To document my real childhood instead of the posed prompted smiles and fake backgrounds.


    My style in three words…

    Don’t have one. Or at least I don’t think I do. I don’t think I’ve decided yet and when I think I have I change it. I kinda like not having one.


    Are there any challenges I’ve had to overcome to be where I am today?

    Um, how do I answer this? Yes. I’ve had so many challenges that I had to face in my life, really hard challenges. Photography wasn’t one of them. Photography has actually become my release, my cure. I could easily drown myself thinking of the challenges I have had to face but what good would that do. I have to live life to the fullest and be happy and not only for me but for my boys. Photography is my therapy, my outlet, my calling. I am grateful for this gift.


    My favorite time of day to shoot is:

    Late evening. Shooting during “the golden hour” truly does create magical shots.


    If I had to stop taking photos today…

    I would probably become a teachers aide. Love being in the classroom with my boys. I volunteer regularly at my children’s school and always have a great time.

    Education in Photography Specifically:

    No, I have not had any formal education in photography. All self taught or with help from photographer friends. As a matter of fact I studied Fire Science in college and was working part time as a Firefighter/EMT before I became pregnant with my oldest son.


    How do I get clients to relax with me?

    Well, I once read an article from a very talented photographer (Sarah Cornish) that stated she never meets her clients with the camera in her hands. To take your time and have a conversation with them before you start snapping. I listened to her advice and it works! Thanks you Sarah!

    My photography related goal for this year…

    Is to just be me. It’s easy to get sucked into “wow, I want to shoot like that” or “OMG the editing!” while scrolling down Facebook. My goal for this year is to stick with what I’ve been trying to do and that’s to stay true to myself. I’m happy, I’m enough is my new motto that I whisper to myself when I feel in doubt.


    A huge ‘aha’ moment for me was…

    Earlier this year was when I FINALLY figured out how to shoot RAW and wow. Still can’t believe how long it took me.

    My biggest photography insecurity?

    Posing. I prefer authentic candid moments.


    Digital or Prints?


    How do I set myself apart from local photographers?

    I am very different from other local photographers. It’s the candid shots vs. posing thing. It could be my flaw but I’m going with it.


    What will my next photography investment be?

    The Nikon D4. I dream about it almost every night. One day it will be mine!

    If I were to recommend one item it would be…

    A fast prime lens. Mine is the 50mm 1.4 Nikkor but there are lots of others.


    What is my biggest muse?

    I have four muses and they are my four sons. I am lucky that they are always willing to let me photograph all their adventures.


    Favorite color: Green


    Favorite season: Summer


    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate


    Pet Peeve: Yelling. No matter who it’s from or where I hear it.


    Favorite Pandora Station: “Superman(it’s not easy)” Radio, a station I created.


    Studio or on location: On location


    What did you want to be when you grew up: A Firefighter


    One thing no one knows about me: I am a child abuse survivor. What does that mean? It means I was abused as a child and survived and have learned what not to do as a parent. My children see the best in me, I love deeper and treasure small moments. I want them to be able to look back at their childhood photos and see the magic. No pain. Only childhood at it’s finest. Perhaps that’s why I am so passionate about documenting their childhood.


    PC or MAC: MAC


    Lightroom or Photoshop: Photoshop


    Film or Digital: Digital


    Props or no props: Both, but when I do use props I keep it very simple.


    If you could travel anywhere it would be: Diagon Alley. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and I know it doesn’t exist but Universal Studios will be close enough;)


    Glass half empty or half full: For now, half full.


    Favorite photo ever taken: I recently have been obsessed with silhouettes. My favorite photo ever is a recent silhouette of my boys marching with their wooden swords at one of our favorite locations. It’s magical, it’s boyhood, and it sums up our summers adventures.


    Raw or Jpeg: Raw


    Favorite music to edit to: I love listening to Harry Potter movies running in the background… Seriously!


    Favorite Quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” ~Dr. Suess


    Most valued material possession: My camera.


    Processing Style: Um, not really sure. Some days are clean and colorful others are full of texture. All depends on my mood but I can say that Hazey edits are my favorite at the moment.


    Coffee or Tea: Both. Love warm coffee in the mornings and iced tea in the afternoons.


    If you could photograph a Celebrity who would it be: Chris Hemsworth, because it would make my boys oh so happy!


    What kind of camera bag do you rock? Epiphanie. But my favorite accessory ever is my Capturing Couture camera strap.



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  2. M4H P52 Theme “Nostalgia” Winner and Eye Candy

    Last week our Project 52 theme was “Nostalgia.” Hopping right into your beautiful images this week! I also have to say this may just be one of my favorite weeks to date. Blown away over here!

    By: Memories by Me

    Week 41 Nostalgia

    Week 41 Nostalgia

    Nothing is more nostalgic to me than my Grandmother’s Engagement ring. I was fortunate to have her in my life for 19 years and several months after she passed away my Grandpa gave each of the three granddaughters a piece of her jewelry. There was a wedding band, an anniversary ring and the engagement ring. He hung them on the tree at my Uncle Mervin’s house, and me being the oldest was able to pick first. We didn’t know which ring we were picking, just that we were picking one of the rings. I was so happy when I got her engagement ring and it has not left my finger for more than a couple hours in twenty years of owning it. I treasure it. I often look at it and wonder what she was like when she was in her late teens/early twenties and newly engaged. I think about the moment my Grandpa gave it to her and what she must have thought? I laugh at the story they tell about her dropping this exact ring in the grass at Tamarisk Hall before the ceremony and they couldn’t find it, and she was crying and the wedding was delayed. I love this ring, not just because it is a beautiful ring…..but because it was hers and because of all the memories that were made with this ring on her left hand.

    Even though twenty years have passed since she passed away, I still think about her. I wonder what she would think of me now, as a Mom. I know she would adore my kids, my husband and the family I am so proud of. And I am so grateful to have this little piece of her on my hand that I can glance down at from time to time and think of her.

    PS – the picture in the background of this ring shot is their wedding picture, taken 67 years ago.

    Lots of Eye Candy!

    By: heatherlphotography

    M4H{41/52} "nostalgia"

    I was sorting through my youngest’s baby clothes this weekend, making room for the bigger stuff. I always have such a hard time parting with those tiny outfits that take me right back to those first months

    By: melissalazuka

    nostalgia 41/52

    My husband’s parents renewed their vows yesterday for their 50th anniversary. I almost discarded this photo until I noticed my father-in-law’s expression. The way he is looking at her with so much love. My very favorite part of the ceremony was when he stood up at the end and told everyone about the day he first met her.

    By: Eastview Photography



    When I was a kid I worked as a darkroom tech with the State of New York in the capitol building in Albany. It was a state job (ah hem) and well we had a lot of time on our hands and all the photography equipment we wanted. It was there that I was introduced to the Diana..a little black plastic camera. I fell in love with it…the surreal images, the light leaks and all of it’s imperfections. I was beside myself this semester when our teacher announced that our final project in my photo 102 class would be with a Holga. It all came back to me so quickly…fumbling around trying to roll a reel a film, the smell of all the chemicals, the thrill of watching your print come up in the developer. I spent 7 hours in the darkroom one day last week..I’m addicted. I’m already trying to figure out how to turn my bathroom into a darkroom!

    By: minkylina

    Talking to the ocean

    Talking to the ocean
    M4H 41/52: Nostalgic. Carlos was a commercial fisherman when I first met him. When he was out to sea, I used to go down to the point, watch the boats come in and out the gap, and talk to him, even though he was far, far away at George’s Bank or wherever. He hasn’t fished in years; he’s a contractor now. But he is still busy very often and sometimes when I need to talk to him I go down to the point and speak to the ocean.

    By: Jaime Barouh

    M4H - Nostalgia

    M4H – Nostalgia

    It’s been a rainy mess and both my girls have been sick. Today was the first day we’ve had the chance to escape from the house. We roamed the neighborhood playing in puddles. So glad that I decided to bring my camera. There’s only so long that you can dress up in a “party dress”, rain boots and jump in puddles. This little one is growing up before my very eyes and it makes me long for her to stay little forever.

    By: Deanne3101

    ©Photography by Dea Le Bailly

    Very Nostalgic .

    By: Carla Thompson

    Nostalgia | M4H

    Nostalgia | M4H

    {Day 155} I’ll pick them for the birds.

    By: Vixpix:-)

    M4H Nostalgia

    M4H Nostalgia
    My Mum always wore pearls, whatever the outfit. This is me wearing the pearls she gave me on my 18th birthday and my little girl.

    By: cheng bee

    dad's ‘70s mix tape

    dad’s ‘70s mix tape

    41/52: nostalgia

    By: lzornesphotography


    I’m lucky enough to have this little replica of an old Sinclair station in my area. Of course I had to do some old school B&W processing to complete the look.

    By: magova



    By: jennifer nobriga

    m4h nostalgia (week 41/52) -  the tricycle

    m4h nostalgia (week 41/52) – the tricycle

    i wish i could say that this is the tricycle that i had when i was a kid and it’s been handed down, but that’s (sadly) not the case. any possessions from my past have long since been thrown away. i decided with my first born, that was going to change. this is the tricycle we bought for our son and he rode it for as long as he could. once ella was able to climb on board, she rode it everywhere too. she’s getting a bit too big for it now, but seeing her on it makes me smile. i hope when they’re older, with children of their own, they save these memories and little items from their past, so they can sit and watch and smile and remember.

    By: julieamankin

    M4H Project 41/52  Nostalgic

    M4H Project 41/52 Nostalgic

    My wedding dress, 34 years ago.

    By: April Burns



    I know that someday I will have a longing for precious moments like this. I can just imagine looking through photo books and wishing I was still there in that moment, a quiet, happy place. Time is so precious….

    By: Aniya Emtage

    {41.52} nostalgia

    {41.52} nostalgia

    my hubby is a painter, but i didnt know him “back then”. he’s finally picked the brushes back up again, and i can tell, he is home again.

    By: Christina Skinner



    I couldn’t decide between the two so I put both. Because the theme was Nostalgia I did a kind of vintage edit with a fun texture. But really this idea came because my daughter has just started really getting into dress up. I was a dancer and I miss those days so much and although I want my daughter to follow her own path and talents, it makes me insanely happy to see her twirl around in a tutu.

    By: mjryckman



    Going out on a limb here with my soft focus image. It’s not so much specific times I fondly think back on as a child, but rather specific feelings or moods certain experiences produced. Running through the grass barefoot always felt like utter freedom to me.

    By: Essential Life Photography



    Little gems.
    Mornings spent doing her hair.

    By: Barbara Taeger Photography

    41/52 Don't blink...

    41/52 Don’t blink…

    M4H – “Nostalgia”:

    I had the privilege of doing a session with my student and her family a couple of days ago. I’m still culling through my shots, but this one grabs me every time. I have only known her for three years, but already I am nostalgic about her growing up and changing. It won’t be long before she leaves behind childish things. In fact, as a (ahem) mature woman, I see time passing more quickly than ever. It won’t be THAT long before Hannah and Abigail are this age, so we better soak up each day of childhood while we can. What is it they say? Oh yeah….”Don’t blink (cause time goes faster than you think).” Truer words were never spoken.

    Our Daily Challenge: “Intimate” (There’s nothing like getting in close for a portrait..especially when the subject has such soulful eyes)

    By: Liz Godfrey Photography

    M4H | P52 | Nostalgia

    M4H | P52 | Nostalgia

    On a recent trip to New Hampshire with my dad, he took me to see this beautiful covered bridge which separates NH and Vermont. It was a nostalgic trip for him to visit places in the State he was born and raised in and for me it was wonderful listening to his stories & recollections.

    By: Natalie Castellanoz Photography

    P52/41 Nostalgia

    P52/41 Nostalgia

    It’s hard to believe sometimes that his head and feet were once this small. I wasn’t prepared for him to come early and had no clothes that were small enough. While in the hospital my dear friend went shopping to buy preemie clothes for me. When I showed him these booties and hat and told him that they once fit on him, and were big, he was amazed. I immediately felt nostalgic and grabbed my camera!

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Take a peek into our silly, sweet, raucous, crazy, beautiful, imperfect life, and join me for the #MomentsOverPoses movement!