Archive: Jul 2013
  1. Letters to my Daughters | Dearest Lillian

    Dearest Lillian,

    I am noticing so many subtle changes in you. Turning eleven this year, I knew we were carefully treading in completely new and unfounded territory. When I was your age, I was a very tenderhearted child very much like you, and I remember the ups and downs well. I also remember promising myself not to forget, and the reason for that being I honestly just wanted to be able to more than sympathize when I had children of my own. I wanted to be full of compassion and empathy. As you can see, when you are a tenderhearted child you often grow to be a tenderhearted adult.

    This summer we have had our own little mini adventures. Whether that happens to include just a day at the pool with good friends, or a five hour road trip to camp in a place we have never before explored, this year has been good to our family. I know we aren’t considered “normal” with daddy being a stay at home dad, and mama working from home. You see many of your friend’s parents bustling out to work, and living what probably seems a very foreign lifestyle to you, and I know sometimes you even wish a bit that we can be more like them. I grew up in that same exact kind of family and appreciate your Nunu for all her hard work and sacrifice. I also know that you probably wonder why you have to see mommy on the computer quite so much, though I am working just as hard as many with a less conventional career, but really you should know now that there is no such thing as “normal” anyway. Not really.  I am also going to tell you something you most likely don’t realize at your very young sweet age. We are blessed. Because you have two parents at home, because after years of daddy missing out on your childhood because he had to work 12 hours a day,  he can see you off to school and watch over you as you grow, and because we spend so much time together, you don’t realize now but we are creating a bond and memories that will be so special to you some day. Someday  you will truly appreciate it as I do now. Daddy will not always be home. There may be a time he has to go back to work. We are leaning on God and counting our blessings.

    Sometimes I know you expect me to have all the answers. I felt just the same when I was your age and looked up to my own Mom. Many times I always have to remind myself that my Mom is human, and doesn’t have all the answers. What I will always have is open arms. You are eleven and to you I am sure that is quite “big.” To me you are my baby. You will always be. I grasp that these years are fleeting, and if time is kind one day I will be kissing tears of joy on your wedding day and not tears of apprehension at embarking on some of the tough preteen exploits you are now facing. I realize I will be snuggling your own daughter or son as I snuggled you when you were just a babe. This letter is a friendly reminder though, that eleven is just one year, and one notch in the wall with many to come. I love you.

    Life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but you will never have to face the storm alone.



    Now please head to my amazing friend in our special circle Jess Sandager of Olive Avenue Photography and read her beautiful letter HERE.

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  2. M4H P52 “Routine” Eye Candy

    We just got back from this fun family weekend camping in the Sand Dunes National Park, about five hours away from us here in Fort Collins, and it was anything but routine. I have to say though it made me realize how out of the ordinary (in so many good ways) our little life together is in our family. My kids have both parents home, as my husband is a stay at home dad and I work from home so they have access to both of us at any given moment. We are totally free spirited and take life as it comes. Actually even our little trip was on a whim. We packed up our four kids and two dogs and simply headed out lol! There are a million routine things we do as well. Things like brush our teeth, say our prayers, eat at the table together. Those are all just as special. I cant wait to peek a bit into your lives. We are well past the half way mark now and I am feeling like I know you all so well at this point. I hope you all know what a special group you are and how incredibly grateful I am for each and every one of you.

    Also know that this week blew me away (as always) but it was SO hard to pick a favorite. I think this is such a personal theme so I went back a million times. You all pretty much won in my eyes though. You do every week lol!

    Winner: What an honest, beautiful image!
    By: Lori Frederick

    {Routine} Every Sunday

    Such a routine, it has nearly defined who she is. My grandmother, playing the organ in church; just as she has for the last 20 years of Sunday mornings.

    Lots of Eye Candy:

    By: blwfoto


    We’ve had our chickens a year now, and I’m still amazed that I can walk out in the yard and gather eggs. I feel the same about veggies in the garden. I didn’t grow up with this, but I am growing into it. Now, I want a goat.

    By: Eastview Photography


    My husband and I just went to Vegas for a few days. We had the most relaxing time. We’re really like a couple of old farts..we don’t drink or gamble! We love to swim in the hotel pool and just hang out and of course go out for dinner. I came out after getting ready and there he was..standing, munching on some peanuts and looking at the general splendor of Las Vegas. Waiting. Patiently. Because he’s always ready first. He’s been doing this for 29 years. I love him so.


    {29/52} routine


    summer grilling in the back yard

    edited with M4H Abracadabra

    By: Sarah de Jong

    m4h - routine

    Expresso in the morning…

    By: aurendurrencephotography

    29:52 | routine

    29:52 Routine
    lunch time 🙂

    By: kristi burton photography


    The other day, while I was blow drying my hair and my husband was shaving, I was bugging him (as wives rarely do) and he was bugging me (as husbands often do) so he suddenly said, “I have a razor!” and threatened to shave my head and I said, “I have a blowdryer!..” Anyway, we busted up laughing…and this is our (poor) attempt to recreate that silly moment.

    By: MeganEvansPhoto

    M4H P52 29/52 - Routine

    Yes, it’s overdone. The “bath” routine. But it’s really the only part of our day I’d call “routine.” Which is either good, or bad. Depending on how you look at it. And for this, I looked at it from up above…

    By: bluebellsonthegreen



    One of my very favourite parts on my daily routine is hanging out the washing, I’m not sure why it’s so therapeutic it just is.
    Summer is beautiful.

    By: mjryckman


    Since we are away from home for a few weeks, our daily routine is a bit more eclectic. This week, by far our most favorite daily routine is people watching from our bedroom windows in the Montmarte district of Paris. We have one more day here and no one wants to leave! Paris is what we imagined and so much more! Next time I check in we will be in Switzerland or The Netherlands.

    By: minkylina

    Drink up

    Drink Up
    M4H 29/52: Routine. Every evening it is my routine to go out to my patio garden and water all my babies…especially important now that we seem to be in a never-ending heat wave!

    By: katytuttlephotography

    routine cuddles

    routine cuddles

    By: SaraKellyPhoto

    Routine {M4H 29/52}


    This is a big part of our summertime routine. After the park, while we wait for their dad to get home, or just because it’s afternoon, we go out on the porch and they have a popsicle. Sometimes several times a day.

    By: magova

    M4H  "routine" 29/52

    M4H Routine 29/52

    By: amyschuffphotography

    An Apple a Day (or two!)

    An Apple a day (or two!)

    Routine” – Edited with “Charm Bracelet” by M4H.

    By: 24Feet

    24Feet - Routine


    P52/29 – Routine. Off leash group exercise.

    By: photography by anika alonzo

    summer routine

    play in the water. There’s nothing else we can do in this heat 🙂
    Happy summer to all of you!

    By: teenamoore

    Routine M4H P52

    Routine M4H P52

    As a homeschool family we like to school year round so our routine usually involves a little math, either in the form of a workbook or sometimes just a fun game.

    By: Justine Bath

    Routine 29/52

    I work 5 days a week; every morning when we get into the car to leave for day care/school drop-off/my work, I sigh…ok…sometimes I yell…We are LATE AGAIN! Probably because part of our morning routine involves a cuddle in bed with each child BEFORE they will get out. Best routine of the day really! Better fly, or we will be late again!!!

    By: Sheryl Salisbury

    29/52 Routine (M4H)

    29/52 Routine
    Bedtime reading is part of my routine.

    By: shutterbugamar

    (52) week 29. routine.

    Meet Minion. My sister’s MacBook Air. I don’t think I’ve introduced it before (but I have posted a picture of it). Anyways, its part of our daily routine. What an amazing piece of technology…laptops have changed so much. And since it weighs absolutely nothing, I’m pretty embarassed to pick up my own 17″ MacBook Pro (which we call Gigantor, ever since Minion joined the family).

    I had colour versions of both of these shots, but I really liked the black and white as well. The light bouncing off my sister’s face, highlighting just the right areas just looked so good in black and white 🙂

    This was very hard to do. My sister kept on moving but I had to convince her that I was ONLY taking pictures of her laptop, and not her. Guess I tricked her well! 😉

    Anyways, its been a while since I wrote a little under a shot…been so busy these past few weeks! We’re in the process of moving, and everything has been so hectic.

    Thank you for commenting everyone, even though I haven’t had a chance to look through your lovely photos!

    By: privizzinis passion photography

    p52 "routine"

    P52 “Routine”
    every Thursday around 4 or 4:30 this is what we do. Get ice cream from the ice cream truck!!!! We love summer so much.

    By: London’s Bridge Photography

    M4H 29/52 "Routine"

    It was too hard to choose one picture that sums up our summer routine! My husband and I are both teachers, so we’re off all summer together with our boys. My parents live 5 minutes from us and have a pool, so this is pretty much our life in the summer! We love our summer routine and are sad that it will be coming to an end very soon!

    By: KarenHuntPhotography

    M4H Week 29: Routine


    One of his favorite new things to do is to help me wash the dishes to put in the dishwasher daily. He loves anything to do with playing in the water. He gets one of the chairs from the table and could stand at that sink washing dishes for hours.
    As this week has been busy and we are about to leave for vacation, I am using my favorite every day camera here, my iphone 4. I love it for capturing our every day.

    Edited with Slater and Black and White Pop.

    By: Natalie Castellanoz

    P52/29 Routine

    Exactly four weeks ago I decided to make a lifestyle change. I began exercising daily, watching portions and counting calories. Thank goodness for iPhone apps to help with that! I am lucky to have my mom and a very good friend who also decided this year to make similar lifestyle changes. Every Saturday morning is weigh in and we report to each other our successes or our setbacks. We support one another each week in continuing to strive to live a healthier lifestyle. Diets are temporary. Lifestyle changes that become a routine, are permanent.

    By: Dawn Blomquist

    His nightly routine

    His Nightly Routine
    Every night, he uses his inhaler and brushes his teeth. After doing all of that, he comes into our bedroom, and grabs his iPod touch. He plays on it/watches movies/tv shows until I tell him it’s time to go to bed. It’s been his nightly routine for a while now. Love it about him.

    By: ImGoingToAzerbaijan

    Routine (29/52)

    The weekend routine… washing.

    By: meadger

    ~ Week 29 ~ Routine ~

    Thank you God for all your blessings, especially him……..

    By: ItsStillLifePhoto

    Routine - 29/52

    2 year olds: the epitome of “mini me”s. These little people reflect the good, the bad, and the ugly (unfortunately) revealing who we are in their toddler perceptions. Lately this little one has preferred to sit in the sink while I complete my makeup routine creating her own rendition of a “pretty face”. 🙂

    By: GreekWife

    29/52 Routine

    The beach and the sunset were rare treats, but yoga is a big part of my routine. I have been dreaming of this shot since my first pregnancy. After setting everything the way I wanted it in manual mode and telling my husband where to stand, I have to credit him with pushing the button!

    By: April Burns


    Taking care of these sweet ladies will now be part of our daily routine!!! Our New Adventure!!

    By: Elizabeth Hardwick

    Week 30.52 {Routines} ...

    Well … here in the UK we are only one day into the summer holidays. 🙁 We went off to a local organic farm to pick strawberries and then popped by the poly-tunnel to check out the tomatoes (as you do). Josh decided to use the tomatoes as part of his juggling routine!! lol … Don’t tell Jez, the market gardener – he might not be impressed! lol

    By: cheng bee

    there's always time for tea

    29/52: routine

    By: melissalazuka

    Routine 29/52


    I met this couple a few nights ago at my good friend’s grad party for her children. They are her grandparents and they were visiting from Mexico. I was so drawn to them, as I am whenever I meet a very old couple that has been married for so many years. I think because even though being married to someone often feels like just part of the {routine} of life, it is so much more, and takes so much more from each person to make it last forever. I love that they are holding hands, with all of life’s lines, etched into their skin and hearts.

    By: Christina Skinner Photography


    My sister and I have little nurslings only 2 months apart. There’s a lot of breastfeeding as part of our daily routine. I made this image in honor of breastfeeding awareness month. Aren’t they sweet?!


    M4H Week 29 Routine

    Our daily routine is very relaxed I don’t really stick to any one set routine since she is 2 and her needs are always changing… but now that its nice out i make sure we go outside daily… She loves to go out and play wether she is playing on the swingset or blowing bubbles, in the sprinkler/pool, playing with her outside toys, watching birds, eating ice pops, catching fireflies, taking walks, watching butterflies and airplanes, dancing in the rain or just taking it all in …we get out there and just enjoy it all! The summer is so short and I don’t want to waste a minute because once it gets cold We stay inside …. here she is picking me flowers still in her pjs it’s early in the morning and already feels close to 100 degrees but we don’t care, it’s summer!!! 😉

    By: Nicole Hansen


    my three own and my three nephews.

    By: Amanda Claire

    "Summer Routine" M4H 29/52 [routine]

    My summer routine is pretty set. Feed the dogs, so they don’t eat me or the cat (not that they aren’t fed any other season), education times a million (Tamara Lackey rocks!), and grilling!

    By: La Mémoire Vive

    P52 | M4H | Routine

    P52 | M4H | Routine
    a late afternoon decaf

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