Archive: Mar 2012
  1. Inspired, A Very Special Project | Megan Squires Photography

    This edition of Inspired is shining the spotlight on a very special lady. Megan is fabulous. She is talented, sooooo sweet and down to earth, and her work is a breath of fresh air. When you head to her website she has this fun video introduction! You get a glimpse of not only her life but her personality and I just LOVE that. She also offers mentorships so you should definitely check her out if you haven’t already. Her processing is clean, yet soft and vibrant and I swear going through her blog you could almost feel the happiness and hear the laughter pouring out of her images!

    You can find Megan’s website HERE. And her Facebook Page HERE. Feel free to head on over and say “Hi!”

    Hi Megan!


    Lets get to know you! How would you describe yourself in three sentences?

    I’m a mother, wife, and Jesus follower. I love life and the ability to press the pause button on it with the click of the shutter. I’m a night owl by nature, am totally unorganized, and drink a Diet Coke for breakfast every morning.


    What sparked your passion for Photography?

    When I lost my dad to kidney cancer four years ago I realized the most precious things I had to remember him by were our many wonderful memories and the photographs we took along the way. My dad had always been interested in photography and tried to share some of his knowledge with me, but I was a teen and was more interested in hanging out with my friends than learning camera settings and exposure. Now I would give anything to “talk shop” with him—I use his camera strap on my Nikon and feel like a little piece of him is with me on each shoot I do.


    What’s in your camera bag?

    It depends on the shoot. If I’m headed to the studio for a newborn session, I’ll have my Nikon D700 and 50mm1.4 along with my 105mm for my macro work. If it’s an outdoor session I’ll have my camera as well as my 24-70mm and 70-200mm. If space is no factor, the 70-200mm will likely stay on my camera for the entire shoot. I love that lens for so many reasons, one being that I can skip my trip to the gym that day because it doubles as an arm workout. That thing is a beast!


    What Camera/Equipment did you start out with?

    I started with a Nikon D50 and a 50mm 1.8 lens and that was it for quite a long time.

    If you could only use one lens an entire session which one would you choose and why?

    Like I said before, that 70-200mm is my favorite, but not practical for the amount of newborn work I do. I typically do only use my 50mm for an entire session, though I don’t have the same lovey-dovey feelings toward it as I do the 70-200mm.


    What advice would go give to someone just beginning in photography and hoping to have a business of their own?

    Learn from others and don’t be afraid to ask questions, even if you think they are silly. When I first picked up my camera I joined a fabulous online community of women called ClickinMoms and though I wasn’t very active on the board at first, I was able to glean so much information just reading other’s questions. And you know what? Many people had already asked the questions that I was too afraid to. It made me feel so much less intimidated knowing that there were others at the same point in their photography journey as well.

    What was your first official Photographer crush if you had one?

    Meg Borders hands down. We actually traveled to Washington last summer to visit my brother and while we were there we had Meg take our family pictures. She is just as incredible a person as she is a photographer, which is so refreshing to see in the industry.


    What kind of photos do you like to take for just yourself when not working with clients?

    Lately I’ve been into pushing myself to step outside of my comfort zone and that has mostly included shooting in full sun, something I would never have done before and not something my clients often ask for. I love the bold, rich colors, the challenge of posing so the shadows fall in the right places—it’s been fun to stretch myself and try something new.


    If you could photograph absolutely anyone who would it be dead or alive?

    My dad. Even though I have an entire box of images, there still aren’t enough.


    Describe your style in 3 words.

    Clean, classic, and youthful


    Most embarrassing moment on a session would be?

    I don’t have just one, but I think it’s whenever I’m on a senior shoot and try to relate to them like I’m their age. No matter what anyone says, 30 is not the new 17.


    Any challenges you have had to overcome to be where you are today?

    My biggest challenges were (and still are) mastering that fine balance of work and play. When I first started, I felt as though I needed to book with every client that ever emailed me—and shoot on any day at any time that they wanted. Then I realized that the whole reason I was working for myself was to actually work for myself, which wasn’t really the case if I was letting everyone else dictate my schedule. The time I inadvertently scheduled a session on my daughter’s birthday was a huge wake up call for me (don’t worry, we rescheduled–but it was sure an eye opener to see where my priorities actually l were.)


    Favorite time of day to shoot is?

    I adore those last minutes before sunset, but I’ve recently learned to embrace shooting midday as well.


    If you had to stop taking photos right now, what would you do instead?

    Hands down I would write. My love for writing is actually up there with my passion for photography. I’m right in the middle of authoring my first young adult novel, and although my mom might be the only one to ever read it, it’s an exciting adventure and is another outlet to express myself creatively. I love having the ability to create something out of nothing.

    Have you attended college or had any formal education in Photography?

    Nothing formal for photography.

    What do you do to get your clients to relax with you?

    It sounds so cliché but I just be myself. It helps that I have an ‘About Me’ video on my blog because most of my clients have a sense of who I am before they even enter my studio. They are able to make a real connection with me prior to meeting me, so once session time roles around they’ve already had the chance to learn a bit about who I am. I have found that to be huge in helping clients relax. And you definitely don’t need a video to do that—any ‘About Me’ section or self disclosure you provide will allow clients the opportunity to see a bit of who you are ahead of time.


    What are your photography related goals for 2012?

    To continue learning to balance life—I’m pretty sure that will be a goal for 2013 and 2014 as well.

    How do you push yourself to keep growing and learning? Any Big Aha! Moments?

    Stop into Anthropologie—and not just to shop. I’m always so inspired by their displays, the way they assemble their outfits—so many times I would never think to put a certain top with the skirt that they do, but when they do it, it just works. I try to use that philosophy in my photography—to push myself to find a new way of seeing how things work together, whether it be a subject and a location, a prop and a backdrop—whatever it is, I love to try to see things differently.

    Biggest Photography related insecurity?

    That my clients won’t like their images. I always hold my breath until I get that “We LOVE them” email back. I don’t know why I still do this to myself, but it’s something that I can’t seem to let go of.


    Digital or Prints?


    How long did it take you to develop your processing style. Its so rich and unique. I am always in awe of your beautiful photos!

    Not long—right off the bat I knew I loved bold and bright. It took me a bit to realize that I needed to tone down this love just a tad and I soon after developed my processing that you see today.

    What is your best promotional tool for your business? 

    A client that ends up being a friend. The majority of my clients are people that I would love to spend time with outside of photography and I have found that they are the best promotional tool I could ever ask for. Word of mouth is an amazing thing!

    What is your favorite photography related spot on the web?

    Clickinmoms—I love how safe the environment is and am inspired by all of the amazing talent there.

    What is one thing you really think the photography industry is lacking?

    Confidence. I hate to say it because I know I often fall into that category, too, but so often we really are so hard on our own work and constantly compare ourselves to others. That sometimes reveals itself in bashing (as we’ve all seen much too much recently) when we should be encouraging each other and lifting one another up. I love to see when a photographer is a cheerleader for another, especially when they’re in the same market. It’s not a competition, it’s art—how can there be anything competitive in someone’s artwork?


    Fun stuff:

    Favorite Color: Yellow
    Favorite Season: Fall! Pumpkin Spice Latte anyone?
    Biggest Guilty Pleasure: Cadbury Cream Eggs (so glad they only come out once a year—I’d need a new wardrobe if they were available year round!)
    Pet Peeve: Chewing with your mouth open
    Studio or On location: Both—in my studio and at the locations surrounding it
    What did you want to be when you grew up? An architect
    One thing no one knows about you is: I already mentioned it earlier, but that I’m writing a young adult novel. It’s so scary to actually type that because now I feel accountable to actually finish it!
    Pc or Mac: Mac
    Lightroom Or Photoshop: Photoshop
    Film or Digital: Digital
    Props or No Props: Simple props that have meaning for the client
    If you could travel anywhere it would be: Australia
    Glass Half Empty or Half Full: Half full—at least I try
    Favorite photo ever taken: One I took last year of my two kiddos on the quilt that my dad left for Abby.

    Raw or Jpeg: Raw
    Favorite Music to Edit to: Anything Lincoln Brewster—he’s the worship pastor at our church so every time I’m editing I feel like I’ve got some church up in the place!
    Most valued material possession: It’s actually my daughter’s, but it’s her blanket. She’s had it since she was a baby and it has satin on one side so she calls it her “Cold Blankie”. I adore the smell of it and can feel myself relax every time I snuggle up with her in it.
    Processing Style: Clean and classic (with a little bold color thrown in).
    Coffee or Tea: Coffee
    What kind of Camera bag do you rock? Right now I’m using an adorable green leather tote from Anthropologie, but that’s only if it’s my camera and just a couple of lenses. Otherwise I have the medium Jill-E bag.

    3 Lovely Comments  •  Leave a Comment for Sarah

  2. M4H P52 Weekly theme “Sparkle” and some eye candy

    This week’s theme was one I knew I would love! I am such a girly girl and I admit I love anything that sparkles whether it be a product of nature or something like sparkly glitter! Be prepared for a VERY image heavy post! I had such an amazing time going through the Flickr group and looking upon all your beautiful entries! It was not easy at all to pick a favorite as always but the one below really caught my eye!!

    I loved this photo for beyond the obvious reason. YES there is a ton of sparkle but the fact that it is rain on a sidewalk.. I mean come on. I would have NEVER guessed. And last minute. Seriously gorgeous. This is amazing! (and remember winners PLEASE email me or use the contact forms so I can send you your prize. Thanks bunches!


    By: Felicia.King

    12|51 "Sparkle"


    12|51 “Sparkle”

    I thought this week would’ve been a lot easier considering I have two girls, but nope. Right down to the wire I couldn’t find anything. This was my sidewalk after it rained and the sun came out. It made the ground sparkle and was SO pretty.

    And some favs!

    By: 091908Marley

    12/52 Sparkle

    12/52 Sparkle

    All that she intends and she keeps inside isnt on the label…
    Cause I have found all that shimmers in the world is sure to fade away again…

    I know the name of the song is “Shimmer,” but it has been s.t.u.c.k in my head since last Tuesday.. around the time I checked to see what our weeks theme held in store for me… .. “Sparkle.”

    My daughter does not pose well.. and if I get her looking into the camera her face takes this strange shape alien.. I don’t even recognize it.. So I give to her a hand full of glitter and no instructions.. really none ..besides “have fun sunny girl.” {The flower shot was before we began..she didnt know I was watching..}
    You see under her own direction is when my baby girl really SPARKLES.. 🙂

    Thank you so much for stopping by and any comments 🙂 Good luck to everyone doing their 52 this year!

    By: Kate T. Parker Photography

    M4H Week 12 {Sparkle}

    M4H Week 12 {Sparkle}

    sparkly new toms and some magic dust at dusk.

    By: lindy*pfaff

    bath time "sparkle"

    bath time “sparkle”

    No clue why but he loves drinking water straight from the faucet….in a cup…NAH, that taste horrible! Apparently this is where the good stuff is at! Kids……

    By: kelly_5



    everyone needs a little glitter now and then

    By: CJ,MJ&AddiesMummy (Katie)

    Week 12 ~ Sparkle

    Week 12 ~ Sparkle

    By: mariamaria27

    12/52 - Sparkle

    12/52 – Sparkle

    Find the beauty in the mundane: a doorknob you’ve handled thousands of times, sparkling in the afternoon sun

    By: heatherstocket



    M4H: Sparkle

    A little bokeh and sunflare sparkle on this Friday morning. I like to think that little branch is saying “Pick me, pick me!” to my camera.

    Happy (bokeh) Fence Friday!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!

    By: UKBecca

    Orange sunset

    Orange sunset

    By: mjryckman



    Our German Shepherd, Zoe, turned seven on Monday. Since then, I have been trying to get a shot of this cupcake in the foreground and her in the background. It turns out Zoe is terrified of lit candles, so tonight I admitted defeat and settled on including just her collar. Who knew she would be more difficult to photograph than my three kids put together! Actually, the funniest thing about this photo is that my kids have been dying to eat the cupcake and haven’t been able to because I said I still needed it for this ridiculous shot. I’m betting they will eat it tomorrow, no matter how stale it is! : )

    By: mechellemarie

    m4h week 12- sparkle

    m4h week 12- sparkle

    By: lillylane photography

    M4H | P52 | Sparkle


    M4H | P52 | Sparkle

    This is what is left of my failed attempt at my daughter blowing glitter at the camera. lol The glitter went all over the ground and made a pretty little glitter bokeh all over. 🙂 I think it is even in my hair still. I ♥ little girls and their glitter-y sunshine-y sparkly-ness.

    By: traphotog (Congrats on your anniversary!!)

    This is the first thing I thought of when the theme “Sparkle” came up for this week…This is the back of my wedding dress, my hubby and I will celebrate our 15th Wedding Anniversary this July…wow how time flies, it’s soo hard to believe 15 years have went by…I ♥ my little family, truly blessed!!!!

    By: MB Shutterbugs

    Week 12 | Sparkle

    Week 12 | Sparkle

    By: J. Leff

    Week 12- Sparkle

    Week 12- Sparkle

    My birthstone ring on a Hoya filter case. Hard to capture the real color in an aquamarine that small, but I like how this turned out!

    By: Racheal Trahan

    {week 12} "Sparkle"

    {week 12} “Sparkle”

    I ♥ bokeh 🙂

    (I changed my mind about my submission this week. So I took down the other one and posted this one instead!)

    By: Camilla Thidex



    By: krayephotography

    Week 12 | Theme | Sparkle

    Week 12 | Theme | Sparkle

    “Take a pair of sparkling eyes.” – William S. Gilbert

    By: Adriana Varela Photography

    The Crown on your Head

    The Crown on your Head

    Inspired by author Nancy Tillman

    By: meadger

    ~Week 12 ~ Sparkle ~

    ~Week 12 ~ Sparkle ~

    By: Kimberly {Candidly Inspired}



    Love the sparkle of the sun and my boys make it look spectacular!

    By: TamiAz

    Week 12 / Sparkle

    Week 12 / Sparkle

    By: pigqueen

    Sparkle 12/52

    Sparkle 12/52

    I am perhaps one of those weird people who loves snow. Takes me to a time when we lived in Washington State and hiked in the woods behind our house and MT. Rainier after a fresh snow fall. White blanketed everything in sight and frozen lakes subtly made their presence known. That, to me, was a fairy tale land I wish I could have made last forever (alas that was my childhood and I was not as into photography at that point otherwise there would be photos galore!). We live in AZ now and my fear of not seeing snow this season was relieved when Monday it snowed most of the day! In the evening the clouds cleared for a little bit to allow the sun to melt what little snow accumulated. This is an image from that moment. The grass/weeds(? I’m not a green thumb! :oP) glistened and bent in the strong wind as I snapped a few shots of the sparkles the snow gave off :o)

    By: Kristy Mulvihill Photography

    Week 12 - Sparkle

    Week 12 – Sparkle

    She just seems to sparkle in this landscape!

    We did have plans of the whole fairy costume, complete with wand, but do you think we could find the wand when we needed it? Of course not, but I still think this suits the theme this week.

    By: Rebecca Leimbach Photography

    M4H Week 12 - Sparkle

    M4H Week 12 – Sparkle

    I bought this hair pin for my Grandmother’s funeral 20 years ago this past February. After so long, I forgot about it. The other day my daughter Harper was fishing around in a basket full of odds and ends when she pulled this out and said “look Mommy, butty!” I know it’s not the most creative representation of the category, but to me it’s the most meaningful.

    By: Wendy Rakvica Photography



    always live for the moment…it can be magical!

    By: itzdawns

    12-52 [Sparkle]

    12-52 [Sparkle]

    I tried to find more traditional sparkle, but I just loved how the sun sparkled on the surface of the merry-go-round, and I’m SURE there is a sparkle in her eyes under those sunglasses!

    By: TiffanyH52

    Week Twelve-Sparkle


    Week Twelve-Sparkle

    My daughter and I went on a {sparkle} adventure. We had such a fun time trying to capture a sparkle.

    By: BelovedAimee

    11/52 "sparkle"

    11/52 “sparkle”

    colorful sequined bokeh sparkles in the light

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