M4H P52 Weekly Theme “Earthy”

    Fall is slowly starting to fade here in Colorado and I am seeing bits of Winter trying to peek through already. When I think of this season I think of warmth and earth tones. Thanksgiving in the US is also right around the corner and all in all I think this time of year is just so rich and special.


    earth·y  (ûrth)

    adj. earth·i·er, earth·i·est

    1. Of, consisting of, or resembling earth: an earthy smell.
    2. Of or characteristic of this world; worldly.
    3. Crude or off-color; indecent: an earthy joke.
    4. Hearty or uninhibited; natural: an earthy enjoyment of life.
    5. Unadorned and simple in style: an earthy homemade stew.

    I will be back Monday with Eye Candy to show you off from our previous week’s challenge!Also, I want to reiterate that if you indeed are new to this project and want to jump in you are completely welcome. You can find details on what this project 52 is about HERE. If you want to hop in, please do! We love new faces and images in the group!The theme this week is:”Earthy” Happy Shooting!

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